Hi👋 todayi am going to be
showing you a simple step by step
guide on how to create a simple web
browser with app creator 24, so stay
stick to this tutorial if you are in
need of it. Keep reading and skip no
Remember in our previoUs tutorial|
introduced you guys to app creator
24 and how it functions so today we
are going to be based on creatinga
web browser with this app builder.
People also read on: how to createea
game With app creator 24
People also read on: how to get
started with app creator 24 as a
Step 1.
Creating an app creator 24 account
Go to appcreator24.com, wheb the
webpage is loaded, login if you
already have an account or simple
sign up if you don't have any. It
won't take you up to 5minutes to
sign up.
The landing page will look similar
like the one in the screenshot below.
Step 2.
Creating a new app:
When you have successful sign up
or sign in, you will see a dashboard
like the one in the screenshot below,
click the button pointed with the red
arrow (create app) and it will direct
you to the next page in step3
Step 3.
Adding app information:
Add in your app details or info like
the app description in the large
textbox below where I have marked
with the red rectangle and also
choose an app icon and give your
app a specific name in the first
textbox above. YoU Can use any
name like my first browser, click
Setp 4.
Choosing status and title bar design:
Select yOur app status and title bar
design color, click next
Choosing app category:
Select your app category for the
web browser, choose web and wait
Adding landing page link:
Add in your search engine url tor
example "https://www.google.com"
Add the search engine name for
example "Google"
Use your own details as you like.
Step 7.
Adding sections or categories:
You will be provided a dashboard oor
app manager where you Can add
aand edit some information in your
So we have to add some more
content to the web view so it should
be more valuable.
Click section, click on Create
new(add new)
Click on chose file if you want a
specific icon to show at the top bar
of your app after that, click save
as it is been shown in the screenshot
Menu design selection
Click on design, then click menu
type as shown in the screenshot
Adding admob ads
Click on "ads" in your app manageer
or control panel, it Will look similar
to the one shown in the screenshot
Add your ads units anywhere you
see admob and make sure the
placement is the same as the ad
type for example add admob
banner in the first section where
there hoave written admob banner
then do same for the rest
Your admob ads won't show unless
you publish the dpp on any
Supported app store.
Downloading the apPP
Go back to your app manager and
click on download, it will load you a
webpage where yoU will download
the from by clicking the download
And if it shows yoU Something like
the one in the picture below, wait for
like 5 minutes and refresh the page.